Badges are a mechanism that gamifies yield and rewards targeted action with reputation. Users will complete tasks, contribute to the Curve ecosystem, and earn a heavier weight in the monthly yield available to every Llama in the form of CRV.
Badges will be bound to an address. Users will not receive yield without holding a Llama. Some badges will be lifetime weight boosts, while some will decay over the monthly yield epoch.
<aside> 🦙 The Llamas is an experiment in building an onchain reputation system to reward positive-sum actions — to spur growth, reward existing contributors, onboard a new generation, and in time build an anon workforce.
To achieve this mission, the Llamas protocol is launching Badges— a mechanic to target and reward specific actions on and off-chain. These Badges will be housed in the Marketplace, which will be a permissionless hub for users to complete bounties, earn their share of treasury yield, and collect reputation-building digital collectibles from protocols and DAOs.
Together, Badges and the Marketplace create an incentivized participation layer built on Curve, which unlocks a new tool for greater ecosystem coordination and human-capital efficiencies.
Powered by the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS), the Badge system allows the Llamas and partner protocols to offer permissionless, flexible, gas-friendly, and time-weighted jobs for users to complete.
Each badge is essentially a wrapper for:
- A claim on the yield-flow from the Llamas treasury for a stated amount of time
- A bounty from the badge deployer (if applicable)
- A reputation-building artefact that will be kept in each Llamas user’s personal inventory
Our mission is to support Curve and positive-sum actions within the Curve ecosystem. Our voting will reflect that spirit. We will vote for key-ecosystem pools, Vyper development, and the pools of respective onboarded partners.
Yield Flow:
50% of yield goes to Llamas